How to make money using Facebook page

How to make money using Facebook page

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How to ma on Facebook? Yeah you heard me right. Probably you might have been hearing this for sometimes now and the only question on your mind is how is this possible?

My dear, it's very possible but might not be exactly what you have in mind.

Are you thinking of making money from Facebook simply because you have Facebook account or Facebook page?

Hell no?

Mark Zuckerberg the owner of Facebook will never pay you any money simply because you have an account or page with his company.

Enough of this story, let's get down to the reason why you are on this page.

Let us assume that you have a product or services and you need to reach out to a large number of people! This exactly where Facebook comes in.

There are many ways you can reach out to a large numbers of people on Facebook.

* Facebook page
* Facebook group
* Facebook wall
* Facebook ads or event

But we are going to talk about Facebook page in this article maybe in our next post we'll get to know more about others.

Now let's take it in detail.

1} Facebook page Is a central place on Facebook where you can grow your business, build your brand and develop relationship with your customers.

Remember that it is free to setup facebook age and it only takes few minutes to get started.

Choose a category and page name that represent your business.
Pick a logo or another image that people associate with your business to use as a profile picture. Write a short note that talk more about your products or services make all the necessary changes and click save.

Invite people to like your page. This is very important because without people on your page, you will be talking to yourself.
You probably have got a community of friends, family, customers, and employees who care about your business and services, invite them to like your page.

Now You are ready to create your first post.
You can create different post on your page including update, photos, videos, and questions. The people who like your page will see some of your post in their news feed the centre of Facebook experience.

News feed is where people spend most of their time on Facebook and also a place where people share the most important part of their lives and where business can engage them in conversation.
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Engage your Audience.
When you post content and have conversations on your page, your are building loyalty and creating opportunities to generate sales. Learn how to create content that will keep your audience interested.

* Post quality content regularly
* Promote your post

Post quality content regularly
When people like your page, they're saying that they care about your business and want to know what is going on. Posting relevant content is the most important thing you can do to keep them interested.

* Make sure your post is relevant to your business and audience

* Be friendly and conversational

* Share photos and videos because they tend to be more engaging..

* Ask questions or seek input

* Give access to exclusive information

* Be timely by posting about current events, holiday or news.

Having gotten followers and attentions, it is time to sale your products or services and start making your cool money.

Now let me ask you this honest question that requires honest answer.

If someone on your Facebook page buy your products or pay you for a services. Are you
not making money from Facebook page?


  1. Nice post is time to be serious with me Facebook page.


  2. Good info, time to make some $# from Facebook

  3. This is a good article on how to make money on fb. Keep it up

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