7 Questions You should Ask Yourself As An

7 Questions You should Ask Yourself As An Entrepreneur

I sat somewhere today and started having a flashback my journey so far as an entrepreneur, I found out some real life facts that if I don’t give the right answer to, might ruin me in the long run. i decided to share this
thought with you.

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Every entrepreneur must take a look at these 7 questions. But, before you scroll down to the question I want you to slowly read the next paragraph.

What is your definition of success and how has it become a reality for you?

Tough question huh, oh yes it is because everyone truly want to succeed and we all have our
different definition of success. You must have heard the folks in the self-motivational market talking about living a balanced life, right!;
answering the 7 questions will help you to achieve that but unfortunately I cannot do it for you, the best that I can do is to guide you through. This question is not only needed by
entrepreneurs, the non-entrepreneurs are not. exempted from it; though they might not need. the entire question because one or two of the
question deals directly with the entrepreneurs.

This was how I came about the 7 top
questions to ask you as an entrepreneur. I was looking at entrepreneurs and their business, in
the course of that I became confused as to how can entrepreneurs succeed with all the demands on our lives; then some questions started coming up. When I finally came to the last question I realize the flow of need for answers to this questions and
how the answers can greatly improve the lives of entrepreneurs out there. even if the questions look so simple to you, just try and give a honest answer to each of the questions
and you will see the changes it going to make for you..

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Without much talk, let’s find out the 7 top questions that you must answer as an entrepreneur..

1): How are you?
2): How is your family?
3): How is your customer’s perception to your business brand?
4): How are your staffs fairing?
5): How is your business marketing
6): How are your competitors
7): Who is your next successor?

You may be surprise that I did not even mention products or services in the list, yes the reason is because I will not even call you an entrepreneur in the first place if you don’t
have a product or service. I chose not to elaborate the question because
I really want you to have a rethink about the question and find an answer to the question on your own.

I will write a post on each of the
question as we move on.

I want to ask you a question.
What do you think about this list, does it have any influence on an entrepreneur?

How has the question really influence you?

Please send your answer to the comment box below for the community to learn more about this 7 top question that every entrepreneur must answer.

Posted via Naira Trace Media


  1. Nice questions to really meditate on as an entrepreneur, especially the last one.


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