Six Cheapest Ways To Market Your Business

Six Cheapest Ways To Market Your Business

Have you seen any business without a competitor today? there may be some, but sooner or later someone will clone that business. One factor that helps businesses to sustain their brand and position is their
investment in advertising their business.

Now let me show you, how well it is for your business to been advertise?,

Do you know that potential customers will not look for you,
because they have enough choice to choose from?.

Your competitor will never care and they are not suppose to care about you if you don't rise to market your business.
I often see a lot of business being run with poor marketing, only for the owners to close shop at the end of the day with the claim that
the business is not viable; while another business owner running the same type of business get more and more customers everyday.

How can that be? the answer is
found in marketing.

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The growth of you business is not dependent on your customers as supposed, it is dependent on your marketing. If you fail at this, be rest assured that you will not grow,
that is if you don’t close chop soon; unless you are the only one running that type of business around you.

Below are ways that you can market your business without costing you much

1) Referral
Referral is just like the online version of paid review, how does this promote your business?
when someone speaks about your business to others, often to their friends, it is a way of referring your business to them. I have visited
many website on the internet not because I knew them, but through other site i was able to find those businesses. More often, before i
take a step to buy a product, my first lookout is to find someone that can give me a referral.

2) Blogging
Blog is surly the cheapest way to make your marketing moves though, it might be time consuming , so you can employ someone to manage that for you if you don’t have the time. Personally, blogging is not only the
cheapest way to market your business, it is also another means of generating more revenue for your business

3) Use of Forums
Forums are not meant for socializing alone. You can create content that points to your business and services (because many forum
boards do not allow direct advertising).

Forums provides one of the cheapest way to market your business through your active posting. This also includes the use of social network available to you.

4) Customers Service
Your customers service is what your loyal customers will likely tell your potential customers. This is where I think many small business are missing out. Strong customer
service promotes business faster. Word of mouth can easily be said to be the best form of marketing

5) Website
Websites are good point of sale in terms of marketing. Sales may not equal marketing but
sales cannot be more than marketing, since I believe that you are not the only one running
such business in the world.

6) Affiliate Program
Affiliate programs shouldn’t be news to you because it is the bane of today’s Internet driven world for the big business. Every successful online business that I have seen so
far all run affiliate programs including the largest commercial website (Amazon).

If you are running an online business with great product, it is necessary for you to create an affiliate program for you users to refer your

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With all this tools available to you, how often have you use it for you business marketing?
the reason why I said the above mentioned points are the cheapest way to market your business is that, you can easily start it on your own without the compulsive need of ad
agents or other third party ads company.

My advice to you today is this, use the cheapest marketing tools today to market your business.
Have you used any of this marketing tools before, share your experience.

Posted via Naira Trace Media


  1. To me blog is the best, because it spreads your business around the Internet and social media.

  2. Thank you sir for the comment

  3. The referral has always being the best

  4. Blogging and website are the best....thanks for this post

  5. I believe people would want to see people who have already benefited from a product before embarking purchasing

    1. Exactly, nobody want to risk his or her money

  6. Great tips and nice write up.Thanks for sharing.


  7. Wow! Great tips! Word of mouth is really very effective and blogging already shows potential customers how much value you have to offer.

    I'm not really one for blogs like yours but I find yours really helpful. I'll definitely be back. Also, I'd love if we followed each other : )

    Mira La Belle blog

  8. Great tips for all business owners. I Learnt a lesson or two.


  9. As a photo blogger, my blog has given me a certain leverage and opportunity to market my photography skills. This is one important point made above.

    Referral is also very key in business marketing.

    Very apt.

    Thanks Nairatrace


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