Nigerian Army E-Recruitment Portal 2016(75 Regular Recruits Intake) Is On

Nigerian Army E-Recruitment Portal 2016(75 Regular Recruits Intake) Is On

Nigeria Army

This is to inform all our readers that the regular recruits intake is on. Apply here

Welcome To Nigerian Army e-Recruitment Portal. 75 Regular Recruits Intake 2016 for Trades/Non Tradesmen and Women.

This is to inform the general public and all interested qualified candidates that the online
application for the 75 Regular Recruits Intake for both Trades/Non Tradesmen and Women is now available for all interested people at
The Nigerian Army reserves the right to prosecute any individual or group found to have fraudulently gained access to this site or information contained in it.
To secure a slot space, get help and
assistance or to make an enquiry call
08065176277 or 08134008966 for your secure appointment. Apply now

We at NT. TEAM wish you success as you take a step forward.



  1. Thanks alot for the information I think I will share this with others

  2. That's good, actually someone I knw is interested, I will 've to tell him. Thanks

  3. Thats good, i think i have some friends interested in it. Nice post Admin.
    I blog at royaltechng.blogspot.com

  4. What a wonderful opportunity let me know go and let my friends know.


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