Guess post from www.techarewa.com
First of all i will like to explain what
technology startup means, It simply any idea that can be implement through continues use of technology in order to develop a viable business that solve pressing need of it's
users. This is what i called technology startup.
In this article today i am going to explain some vital point everyone must know about technology startup
1.Technology startup can be build by anyone with an ideas.
Anyone with idea that has the right market can start a technology business, arm with the right mindset you can start it even with the
smallest feature set of your idea, one great advantage of this kind of technology is that it allows you to do things that don't scale, like you can use WordPress with it abundant
of plugins to hack out the first feature set of your idea.
2. Technology startup are meant to disrupt the traditional way of doing things, take a look around the technology startup we have around in Nigeria, the are basically disrupting the traditional way we do things, look at guys at sure gift
with their incredible innovation that disrupt the way we share our gift ,konga and jumia let us place an order of our goods right on our bedroom and have it deliver to your home, how cool is this, now this is what i call innovative disruption.
3. It all about moving as fast as you can to get things done. One thing that separate main stream
business and tech startup is basically the ability of startup to implement their ideas very fast without any long over due
process, anyone in your team is free to drop an ideas that can improve the
the business and it will be discuss
planning and implemented quickly.
4.Technology startup is not as glamorous as the main stream tend to showcase it.
main stream media tend to showcase technology startup as something that is full of
fun and enjoyment, but i tell you, tech startups are really hard , with every day you are face with a new problem.
5. Innovate or die. if you look at they way big technology
companies, you will find out that they are constantly bring in new innovation at not a no hole back stream. you must know that innovate or die is the rule of startup, you must constantly come up with good innovation that soling the need of
your target audience if you really want to stay ahead of your competitors
Get more about Tech startup at www.techarewa.com
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