The glory of meeting people's needs

The glory of meeting people's needs

What people need

Before we go into the details, it will be wise to know what need is all about.

What is need?

A NEED is A condition or situation in which something
must be supplied in order for a certain condition to be maintained or a desired state
to be achieved:

Now you will understand that In the process of meeting people's need most time our talents are discovered. You will not know what you are capable of doing until you discover a need. Successful people know the importance of meeting the need of others. The manufacturers made their millions  by meeting the needs of their customers with their products.

Rich average & poor

The different between the poor average and millionaires is in meeting people's needs. The person who started pure water business saw the need of Nigeria for clean and hygienic water to drink, in the process he became a millionaire. Nelson Mandela saw the need of his people and in the process he became great. What about our Aliko dangote in his youth went through difficult time, no food to eat, under a tree he saw other Nigerians in his state and promise God if he bless him he will put food on the table of many Nigerian, in the process of doing this he is now an African richest man.

What do people need?

Try and discover the need of others that are around you and make all effort to meet them even where there is no immediate reward, you will have success. Many have  discovered their inbuilt ability and their place of success by meeting needs. Peace Mass Transit Bus was launched many years ago to meet the needs of students traveling from Enugu to Nsuka but today that company transport people all over the country.

Read also>>> Top 10 profitable business in Nigeria

This article is written to meet the need of somebody and I believe is going to bring millions. There is something you can create, there is an idea you can bring to u that will place you on the seat of glory. Meet a need today and you will be on top.


  1. Yeah... Even in business world, you can only survive when you designed your product to meet peoples need.

    As a blogge, you dont just blog, but you write to meet needs.

  2. Yeah... Even in business world, you can only survive when you designed your product to meet peoples need.

    As a blogge, you dont just blog, but you write to meet needs.

  3. Wow! This is a great post, i got an idea today. Thanks for sharing

    Topmost Tree

  4. I was really inspired by this post , before now I find it difficult meeting people's need but now I get to make obligation.

  5. Your Post is Inspiring. But discovering that need is difficult.


  6. So inspring you mustn't be rich to meet people's need, I just learnt that. Thanks

    miimi's diary  
    miimi's diary  

  7. Thank you all for dropping by. Appreciated

  8. So inspiring! We can always meet other peoples need even with the little we have.


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